* Script Name: A simple dictionary example
* Purpose: Showcasing the dictionary object in Windows Script
* Date: 21.07.2016
* Modified: 21.07.2016
function DictionaryExample()
// Show the script output window
Repository.EnsureOutputVisible( "Script" );
Session.Output( "JScript DICTIONARY EXAMPLE" );
Session.Output( "=======================================" );
var d, a, keyword = "C", exists, items ;
d = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");
d.Add("a", "Athens");
d.Add("b", "Belgrade");
d.Add("c", "Cairo");
a = ItemProperty (d, keyword );
Session.Output("The result for " + keyword + " is : " + a);
var items = ItemsDemo (d);
var exists = keyExists (d, keyword);
var contextType = Repository.GetContextItemType();
Session.Output( "The dictionary has " + d.Count + " item(s) in it." );
Session.Output( "Done!" );
// sets a key in the dictionary
function ChangeKey(oldkey, newkey)
var s;
d.Key("c") = "Ca";
s = "Key " + oldkey + " changed to " + newkey;
//search dictionary by key
// it is case sensitive
function ItemProperty (d, keyword)
var a;
a = d.Item(keyword);
function ItemsDemo(d)
var a, d, i, s; // Create some variables.
a = (new VBArray(d.Items())).toArray(); // Get the items.
s = "";
for (i in a) // Iterate the dictionary.
s += a[i] + "<br>";
return(s); // Return the results.
//it is not case sensitive
function keyExists(d, k)
var s = "";
if (d.Exists(k))
s += "Specified key exists.";
s += "Specified key does not exist.";
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