The best React and Redux resources for beginners
This page summarizes my research made to do a fast ramp-up in the topics of React/Redux. These both frameworks are like bread and butter for eachother and go well hand in hand. You can start by learning either of them - but it is always assumed that you have a Javascript background.
React resources
⋅⋅* Thinkful React I always liked the way the Thinkful courses are written. Light reading and easy to understand formulations.
⋅⋅* React for Beginners Wes Bros offers a React for Beginners course that will guide you through the basics of React, while building an app.
Redux resources
⋅⋅* Redux Egghead There is no more obvious first place to go for Redux resources, than the Egghead series made by the creator. Completing this series will give you a good start, but also raise questions that you will be able to answer later, in practice.
React + Redux
⋅⋅* Using React with Redux by Microsoft
The Microsoft Virtual Academy always offers extremly easy to follow resources. I really like this resource that combines the understanding of both React and Redux.
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